How Packets Communicate


How Packets Communicate

Imagine a world without languages. What will be the common ground for our ideas and opinion to interact with each other? What will happen to the innovation we all are seeking for? That’s the same when it comes to the communication done on the network.
We know how the message is transferred from one place to another. But do we know what the message is. That is what we will be discussing.

Remember when you were young, you will play with building blocks. It shares the same concept. Computer Communication is a computer language where the data you would like to send over is encoded before it is send over the “MEDIUM”/MEDIA. Before reaching its destination, it is then decoded.
For a communication to take place, you will need

·        A source user and a destination
·        What method of communication
·        What language you will be using
·        How fast it should be
·        Confirmation

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Segmentation and Encapsulation
 Message frame have a certain limit and the data you may be trying to transmit may be too big. Common sense tells us that if it’s too big, we cut it down. Same goes for this case and the process is called segmentation/segmenting the data
·        The limit of each frame forces the source host to break down the message so as to fit both the minimum and maximum requirement of the frame.
·        Those data that is spilted up is known as segments.
·        Each segment is encapsulated with the address information and sent over the network
Its like having a Piano delivered to your house but your door is too small. What do you do? You disassemble the piano and deliver it piece by piece. Same theory! But wait, I disassembled the piano and now what will you do?
Exactly, I will assemble it back. Same goes for these data packets that are filled with segments. They will be de-encapsulated and put back together so we can interpret it.

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Unicast , Multicast and Broadcast
You now know how the packet is formed and the process of it being transferred. But do you know which method is the packet using to get to the destination?
Imagine this scenario where you are in school. The teacher in your school have 3 choices
·        Talk to each student one by one
·        Talk to a few student at a go
·        Talk to every student at a go
These are the options available for delivery of your packets.
·        Unicast
1.      Peer – Peer.
2.      Maximum of One Connection

·        Multicast
1.      Peer – To a Few.

2.      Allows certain user to receive information only

·        Broadcast
1.      One to All

2.      All Users in the network will receive the data

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Protocols Explained
The packet uses Network protocol to determine if they are speaking the same “Language”. The network protocol is used to determine whether you are the same or different.
·        It is use to see the format and structure of the packet.
So what protocol are used commonly?
·        Application Protocol – HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
·        Transport Protocol – Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)
·        Internet Protocol- IP
·        Network access protocol – Data Link and Physical Layer

I hope you have a rough understanding of how Data is being transferred from one place to another and what language it uses. The language it uses is the Protocol language. I hope you found this informative and till next time. Please remember to share this post if you have found it informational!

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  • hhiibjkkk Writer

    Student cum enthusiast in teaching. Never give up!

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